Sunday, August 24, 2014

Lessons Learned

The Rev. Dr. Skip Ferguson
Manassas Presbyterian Church
Manassas, Virginia
August 24, 2014

Lessons Learned
Selected Texts

I am hoping you can’t tell by looking at me.
It happened to me very quietly
a little more than a week ago.
In fact, a week ago Saturday:
I began my seventh decade.

20, 30, 40, 50….
and now at age 60
I stand on the threshold of my seventh decade.

I was born in 1954.
Today we live in a world of electronics
and screens
but back then television was in its infancy,
small black and white screens
in large, heavy boxes.
We watched Howdy Doody, Captain Kangaroo,
the Jackie Gleason Show,
and, of course, Ed Sullivan.

Every adult smoked cigarettes;
it wasn’t until 1964 that the surgeon general issued
his now famous report linking cigarettes and cancer.
As a small child I could sing jingles
from a half dozen different cigarette commercials.
In fact, jingles were popular for many products,
and I still remember a surprising number of them.

My formative years were the 1960s.
The soundtrack of my adolescence came from
the Beatles,
the Beach Boys,
the Supremes,
the Four Tops.
As I went through high school my 8-track tape player
blared the music of The Who,
Jimi Hendrix,
and, of course, Led Zeppelin,
a group that grated on the nerves
of most adults back then,
but who recently were recipients of
Kennedy Center honors
as a seminal influence on rock music.  
I spent most of my 20s in school –
finishing college,
than graduate business school,
and finally law school.
By my early 30s I was married,
living and working in Buffalo.
I’d come home to Buffalo,
and bought a home in Buffalo.
I was ready to settle, make a home,
be home.

I went to church most Sundays,
but I skimmed the surface;
I didn’t put much effort into my faith
and so I got little out of it.

Back then I put more stock into hard work –
my career, especially.
But as the years went by
I learned that hard work can often be undone
by events over which we have no control:
a spouse’s addiction,
a failed business venture.

At age 40 I left Buffalo
and moved to New York City for a job
as editor of management and finance publications
for the Economist Group, the British company.
I settled in quickly at work
and found a wonderful church home
at the Brick Presbyterian Church
on Manhattan’s upper east side.

For all my schooling, all my education,
it wasn’t until I was in my early 40s,
when I began to think about seminary
and the ministry,
 that I really began to understand
what I had always known,
but never truly grasped:
that what life was all about wasn’t money,
position, or things.

Life was and is about goodness,
and family and friends,
and love and compassion,
and caring and sharing,
building up riches and treasures of the heart.

It wasn’t until I was in my early 40s
that I realized
that for all the places I’d lived,
all the places I had called home,
I was still longing for home,
still searching for home,
a home not built of wood or brick,
but a place inside me,
a place of peace and contentment.

Our ancestors in faith
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
were wanderers, nomads,
men of no permanent address.
Abraham living as an alien, an immigrant,
Jacob on the move
trying to put distance between himself and Esau,
the brother he had cheated out of his birthright.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews
says of these men:
They confessed that they were strangers
and foreigners on the earth,
… that they were seeking a homeland.
If they had been thinking of the land that
they had left behind,
they would have had opportunity to return.
But as it was for each of them,
they desired a better country,
… a heavenly one.
(Hebrews 11:13-15)

These men had homes,
places they lived with their wives,
their children,
their extended family,
their livestock;
but still they sought a different home;
a special home,
a home with God.

This is not home in the sense
we sometimes hear the word used –
a reference to heaven,
a place we’ll know only in the next life.
I’ve never much cared for the euphemism
some use when a person dies:
that “God called him home”.
We’re home here, in this life
for God gave us this life
and calls us to live it richly and fully.

But the life we are called to live so richly and fully,
the life that creates a sense of home for us,
a sense of belonging,
of being settled,
isn’t a life filled with chasing things;
it is a life following Christ,
Home is where Christ is.

Home is a place of peace,
of assurance,
of presence – God’s presence,
Christ’s presence.
“Do not fear,” says the Lord,
“for I am with you.”

We think about home more and more as we age.
In fact, I am convinced that we are created 
with a nostalgia switch in our brain
that turns on automatically when we turn 50.
Memories become more and more important,
and especially memories of home,
the homes we grew up in,
homes of friends
homes where special celebrations took place.

The home that I often find myself revisiting
in my nostalgic moments is my grandparents’ house.
It was a big house in downtown Buffalo,
big enough to hold all the Ferguson clan
on Thanksgiving or Christmas.
It was a house old enough to be filled with mystery,
even a little spookiness up under
the eaves on the third floor.
It was a house that had things we no longer find:
a coal chute,
an incinerator,
an opening in the back off the kitchen
for the ice that kept the icebox chilled.

It is a home that in many ways grows more vivid
in my memories
even as those family celebrations
drift farther and farther away in time.

As nostalgic as we can get
as memories flood our minds,
I don’t think any of us want to go back.
We live in the present
and God calls us into the future.

Paul was so right when he said
for now we see only through the glass dimly.
(1 Corinthians 13:12)
But with every passing year,
that glass can grow a little clearer,
our understanding can grow a little more.

With every passing year we can understand
with greater clarity
that Paul was right when he said that only
faith, hope and love abide,
that everything else will turn to dust.
Faith, hope and love –
they are what matter,
and the greatest is love.
(1 Corinthians 13:13)
Love that comes from God
love revealed in and through
our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Jesus of the Gospels,
the Jesus who ate with the sinners,
the Jesus who said, “Do not judge.”
(Matthew 7:1)

The Jesus who said,
“Let anyone among you who is without sin
be the first to throw a stone”
(John 8:7)

The Jesus who taught us that
all are our neighbors,
not just those we know,
those we like,
those we accept,
those we approve of,
those we let in.
(Luke 10:25ff)

The Jesus who taught us that God will forgive us
anything and everything;
and if God will do that for us,
then we should do that for one another.
(Matthew 6:14)

The Jesus who Paul tells us said,
“it is more blessed to give than to receive”
(Acts 20:35
a lesson that sounds so upside down
and so out of sync with our
“don’t step on me” society.

There are lessons here
I have learned over the years,
learned as I have longed for home,
learned as I’ve looked for home,
remembering Augustine’s famous observation
that our hearts are restless
until they come to rest in God.

But to say they are lessons I’ve learned
is to suggest that I have mastered them,
and of course I haven’t.
Even as I begin my seventh decade
I know I am still learning,
still learning all these lessons and more
as I continue to learn
what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ,
what it means to live
as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Now I know only in part,
wrote the Apostle Paul,
and he is right.
I still have more to learn,
as we all surely do,
more to learn about not throwing stones,
more to learn about giving,
more to learn about forgiving,
more to learn about faith, hope and love.

Frederick Buechner writes of a lesson he learned,
“I have it in me at my best to be a saint to other people,
and by saint, I mean life-giver,
someone who is able to bear to another
something of the Holy Spirit,
And sometimes, by the grace of God,
I have it in me to be Christ to other people.
And so, of course, have we all”
This is a lesson for all of us;
certainly, it is a good lesson for me
as I continue to learn,
standing as I do
on the threshold of yet another decade,
and sitting at home
at the feet of Christ.