The Rev. Dr. Skip Ferguson
Manassas Presbyterian Church
Manassas, Virginia
February 9, 2014
The Little Things
Romans 7:19
“For I do not do the good I want,
but the evil I do not want is
what I do.”
Right and wrong.
Good and bad.
Black and white.
It’s all pretty simple, isn’t it?
We all know what is right;
we all know what is wrong;
we all know what is good;
we all know what is bad.
Stealing is wrong;
lying is bad;
sharing is good.
These are lessons we learn when we are young,
lessons we learn about right and wrong,
good and bad,
how to choose,
how to make good choices.
We learn these lessons through our families;
we learn them in school;
and we learn them here at the church.
Most of us learn about the Ten Commandments
in Sunday School;
Even if we cannot recite all ten,
we remember at least one or two:
honor your parents;
don’t kill,
perhaps another one or two.
Somewhere along the line,
we may have learned
what are called the Seven Deadly Sins:
· Pride
We may even know
their positive counterparts,
what are called the
seven Cardinal Virtues;
· Restraint
· Temperance
· Charity
· Diligence
· Patience
· Kindness
· Humility
The lists of Sins
and Virtues are not specifically biblical-
you won’t find
either of the lists in the Bible.
It was at the end
of the sixth century that Pope Gregory I
developed the list
of sins as a teaching tool;
The list of virtues
came later.
Paul had his many
lists scattered throughout his letters,
lists of qualities
and characteristics
he believed a faithful
Christian ought to have,
ought to show the
The lists differ
here and there,
but they touch on
the same basic themes:
Live with patience,
and faithfulness.
Don’t be arrogant,
don’t be quarrelsome;
don’t think you
have all the answers.
But even as Paul
was writing his lists,
telling his
listeners and readers to live in a godly way,
a Christ-like way,
he also
acknowledged how hard that can be,
how even he
That’s what we
heard in our lesson,
our verse from his
letter to the Christians in Rome.
His letter to the
church at Rome was probably
the last of his
It is deeply,
sometimes even confusingly theological.
But it is also
deeply human,
especially the text
we heard:
“I do not do the good I want,
but the evil I do not want is what I do.”
Paul expressed this
sentiment twice
within the same
Just a few sentences
before our lesson
he wrote, “I do
not understand my own actions.
For I do not do what I want,
but I do the very thing I hate.”
(Romans 7:15)
Paul captured the
struggles he had,
the struggles we
all have,
in trying to live a
godly life,
a Christ-like life,
a truly faithful
life focused on the good,
focused on doing
what is right.
As Paul expressed
with such anguish,
we’re not always
going to be right,
we’re not always
going to be good,
we’re not always
going to do right, or do good.
Paul knew what we
all know,
if we’re honest
enough to admit it:
that life doesn’t
sort itself out neatly
into the good and
right and wrong,
black and white.
Try as we might to
make things simple,
we learn, as Paul
did, that life is filled with nuance,
that we live in the
grays most of the time,
and as a result, we
find it that much harder
to make good
choices, godly choices.
It is easy to say,
what would Jesus do.
It’s often very
hard to do it.
But Paul teaches us
that we will be more successful
at living the good
life, the godly life,
doing what is right
in the eyes of God,
if we focus on
living in the Spirit,
if we turn away
from earthly concerns,
what Paul calls
very broadly the life of the flesh.
What he means by
that is anything,
everything that
turns us from God,
everything that
distracts us from following Christ.
Be transformed,
Paul urges us,
from lives of the
flesh to lives of the Spirit.
Paul understood
that that doesn’t happen in an instant—
one time and then
we are good.
Even after his
moment on the Damascus Road,
Paul still lived in
the earthly world,
struggled in the
faced all the
challenges of everyday life
that leads us to
store up more treasure on earth,
than we do treasure
in heaven.
He understood that
life confronts us minute by minute
with choices, big
but even more
little choices we
make each day, every day.
throughout the day.
And Paul wants us
to understand that
it is more in the
little choices,
the little details
of daily life,
that we learn how
to live more fully in the Spirit,
that we learn how
to live more godly lives.
We will struggle,
just as Paul did,
even after 20 years
of discipleship,
20 years of praying,
talking, preaching,
We will understand Paul’s frustrations
when he lamented,
decide to do good, but I don’t really
do it;
decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway.
decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions.
has gone wrong deep within me
gets the better of me every time.
(Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase in The Message)
In giving voice to
his frustration,
he is reminding
himself and us
of the importance
of work, of discipline,
of persevering,
just as we talked about last week.
The more we work,
the more
intentionally we focus on growing in the Spirit,
the better equipped
we’ll be to make right choices,
godly choices,
even bold choices.
You may have seen or
heard the news this past week
that the management
of the drugstore chain CVS
have decided to
stop selling cigarettes
and tobacco
By the end of the
they will no longer
sell any form of tobacco
in any of their
more than 7,000 stores.
They said they did
this because
they want to focus
on helping customers stay healthy,
on being part of
their customers’ health care team.
They will lose
about $2 billion dollars in revenue,
which sounds
enormous to you and me,
but in fact
represents just 1.6% of their annual sales.
Now, I don’t know
anything about the faith lives
of any of the
senior managers of CVS;
I am guessing that
the decision to
rid themselves of
tobacco products
was based on
economic projections and market research.
But I’d like to
think that at least one executive argued
that it was simply wrong
to sell tobacco products,
that at least one
executive concluded
in his or her heart
and mind
that selling a
product that kills
more than 400,000
people a year,
selling a product that
is highly addictive,
even if it is
is wrong.
I’d like to think
one executive decided in his or her heart
that they could no
longer hide behind the argument
that they were
simply selling a product in the marketplace
that customers choose
on their own to buy.
To argue that way –
that they were simply
providing a product
in the marketplace,
that no one was
forcing a customer to buy tobacco –
don’t you see that that
argument is thinking in the flesh,
it isn’t thinking
in the Spirit,
thinking what is honorable,
right, and just.
Our Lord reminds us
that every little detail
of our lives
Whoever is faithful in
a very little, our Lord tells us,
is faithful also in
(Luke 16:10)
Living faith is not about grand gestures;
it is the many details of daily living.
Here’s how Paul sums up his thinking and his advice
for the Romans and for us:
here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:
your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating,
and walking-around life—
place it before God as an offering.
what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
become so well-adjusted to your culture
you fit into it without even thinking.
fix your attention on God.
be changed from the inside out.
(Romans 12:2ff, from The Message)
So let’s all of us do that:
Take our everyday lives,
the details that fill our every day,
and make them all an offering to God.
The details of our lives at home,
at work,
at school,
at play – everywhere.
All the little things that fill our days.
Let’s all of us truly fix our attention on
on the Spirit
so that the good we want to do
becomes more and more
the good in fact we do.
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